Ian McLaughlin

Republican Rubble

Ian McLaughlin
Republican Rubble

As we inch toward a likely Blue Wave midterm, and we assess the rubble left behind by the Republicans in 2017:

• Blanket Deregulation of EPA protections - and policies that make pollution safe for Corporations again

• Vilification and Criminalization of Minorities - and policies that make Racism safe for White Supremacists again

• Deregulation of Firearms - and policies that make mass shootings safe for the Arms Manufacturing Industry again

• Regressive Taxation - and policies that make business safe for Plutocrats again

• legislation to Cripple Access to Healthcare - and policies that make the Insurance Industry safe for investors again

• tearing down that Wall of Separation - and policies that make it safe for Religion to control the bodies of women again

• Voter Suppression Legislation – and policies that make it safe for Jim Crow again

• Republican Obstruction of the Russia Investigations – and policies that make it safe for plutocrats to joint venture Oil Deals with Russia again

• Deregulation of the Financial Sector - and policies that make the Looting of our national Treasury safe for Wall Street again

…it looks increasingly like the US has been party to a GOP inspired murder-suicide pact, …where Republicans hold handguns to their own temples and collectively take the first shot, expecting the rest of the country to follow suit.

The Democrats need to stop the pearl clutching and hyperventilating, and make a word cloud of all the capitalized phrases above. Then run against that.