Ian McLaughlin

Maze of Stupid

Ian McLaughlin
Maze of Stupid

Donald Trump’s policies are an impenetrable maze of stupid. Walls won’t solve an immigration problem for the same reason that tariffs won’t solve a trade problem (much less a labor problem). They are not actually solutions to anything. They are tactics to maintain the support of his base at the expense of the welfare of the country. It’s a load of baloney, no matter how thin you slice it.

But Robert Mueller is teaching us about Game Theory, as he repeatedly requires people like Michael Flynn and Robert Gates to play The Prisoner’s Dilemma. When Donald Trump gets his turn in front of a grand jury, he’ll have to play too. There are probably lots of betting pools out there wagering whether Trump will survive Mueller’s game or whether he’s a one-note ignoramus who’s perilously out of his depth.

I’m going with ignoramus.

In the meantime, here’s a clever way to depict how Game Theory reveals the consequences of trade wars – by the website FiveThirtyEight: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-to-win-a-trade-war/?ex_cid=politicsnewsletter&fbclid=IwAR2_xcguZ3STr_Ynf66PiQtq2G6nISn5xf_rVFmCNPVWEmR_ZyFC-Mpp98c