Deborah Long


Deborah Long


“My dear, here we must run as fast as we can, just to stay in place. And if you wish to go anywhere you must run twice as fast as that” , said the Red Queen in Lewis Carroll’s, Alice in Wonderland

What lies ahead for the United States? Are its institutions sufficiently flexible to navigate the increasingly compressed time-frames that its own technological advances make inevitable? This 248 year old liberal democracy can no longer be understood in terms of centuries or even in terms of decades. One questions whether the competitive advantages that America inherited: its peaceful borders, its vast and fertile heartland, and its unique national identity, can, in a globalized world, continue to sustain one of the most heterogeneous societies on earth. Can it sustain an American culture that is famously characterized by its willingness to jump off a cliff and build a plane on the way down? We are in an arms race with ourselves. And we’re running faster than we ever have. The question we must continually ask is whether our institutions can evolve fast enough to stay in the race.

Deborah Long is a Principal at Development Management Group, Inc.  and founder of several non-profit charitable organizations.  If you find her perspectives interesting, provocative, or controversial, follow her on Facebook or at The Moderate Voice. Copyright© 2016-current year - All Rights Reserved.


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